Hi, I'm Amanda McIntyre.

I am a Naperville based photographer, a firefighter's wife, a mama to 3 beautiful baby bears {Quinn, Conall + Nora}, a very proud dog mama to a spoiled chocolate lab pup, a currently-retired OB nurse, the Vice President of the PSO at my son's school, a red wine + pizza enthusiast, and a lover of all things Disney World. I took a hiatus from my nursing job at the hospital in 2018 and have been a full time professional photographer + full time stay at home mom ever since.

I love to plan + host parties and events for friends and family. I would host every single holiday if I had the opportunity. I'm an avid DIY girl and have a serious love affair with my Cricut. I enjoy the outdoors primarily when the temperature is exactly 73.4 degrees, no less and no more. Leggings and messy buns are my life. Eyeliner is not. I prefer to drink my calories in the form of Starbucks, I don't know how I survived before Target offered order pickup, and I'm always on the hunt for a new book/toy/game/recipe to try.

Since COVID, I've been homeschooling our 5 and 3 year old littles and I've been enjoying this gig ever since! Check out my blog to see all the fun things we do over at McIntyre CoronAcademy (see what I did there?!)

I like to think of myself as The Pioneer Woman, without millions in our savings account or acres upon acres of valuable ranch land [and without horses, boo]. But when hubs is gone for his 24 (sometimes 48) hour shifts at the firehouse, it's just me and the littles [and recently, the dog too] on our 'suburban homestead'.

So whether you want to book a photo session, order a fun shirt, or just check out my blog; welcome to Mama Bear's Den!

If a picture is worth a thousand words...

then these should give you a pretty good idea of who I am and what I love.